What We Do

Environmental Impact Assessment

An Environmental and Social Impact Analysis (ESIA) is conducted to assess the potential impact of a planned development project on the natural and social environment. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation stipulated that it is necessary to develop Myanmar in a sustainable way.

Hence, the Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC) requires that project proponents submit one of the below types of report to them and the Environmental Conversation Department to obtain an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC).

Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)

Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) is necessary if the Ministry judges that the project is likely to have some adverse impacts, but of lesser significance than those for EIA project types. This includes projects that are generally

  • limited in scope or size;
  • have well known environmental and social impacts that for the most part is temporary, local and reversible; or
  • have impacts which can be mitigated and managed by well-proven and available technologies and practices but with respect to which specific controls, measures and alternatives must be assessed, designed and implemented.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is necessary if the Ministry judges that the project is likely to have the potential for Adverse Impacts. This means generally those projects which

  • involve multiple components and varied sources of pollution and/or pollutant types, requiring an integrated EMP (Environmental Management Plan) to be tailored specifically to mitigate such pollution;
  • are characterized by a high risk of significant, adverse environmental or social impact;
  • are of a type or size for which there is a lack of prior knowledge and experience as to what the potential adverse impacts may be and their size or significance; or
  • where the significance of the potential environmental or social impact or the sensitivity/vulnerability of the recipients of those impacts requires a high level of environmental and social management expertise and skills and continued strict control and supervision throughout the life of the Project.

MSR is an official certificate holder for ESIA and other assessments and consultancy services.

We have a great deal of experience in conducting IEE, ESIA, EMP for several different development projects by local and international developers and as such we are also contributing to a sustainable development of the country. We provide detailed EIA and SIA reports, and develop Environmental Management Plans and Mitigation Measures.

Our Team of Experts

24-hours Air quality, Wind speed and Wind direction measurement

Our multidisciplinary team consists of qualified and experienced professionals of different fields and specializations, namely physical environment, biological environment, socio -economics, construction, engineering, wastewater & solid waste management, public policy, legal, and cartography.

The team has 12 dedicated members and we have access to many full-time and part-time specialist consultants that would match the required expertise depending on the project.

Our Toolbox

Initial Environmental Examination

Preliminary Site Visit

  • Observation
  • Key Informant Interviews
  • Public consultation
Environmental Impact Assessment

Detailed Site Visits and Field Data Collection:

  • Baseline data collection
  • Observation
  • Key Informant Interviews
  • Physical data collection (Air, Water, Soil, Noise)
  • Aerial photo and Aerial Mapping Survey (via Drone)
  • Flora, fauna, habitats and ecological survey (Biological Environment)
  • Identification, prediction and evaluation of potential environmental impacts

Social Impact Assessment

  • Observation
  • Key Informant Interviews
  • Focus Group Discussions & Public Consultations
  • Identification of possible social impacts

Our Projects

MSR has conducted EIA and IEE for different projects encompassing hotel construction, solar power, oil and gas, real estate, factories and industrial development projects throughout the country.

We have conducted ESIA, IEE, Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) and Feasibility Studies.

Soil Sample Collection

Public Consultation

Focus Group Discussion